
Core team

Axelle Vire TUD | WP1 – Infrastructure

Axelle is the Scientific Coordinator of HybridLabs. She is full Professor of Floating Wind Energy at the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering and the Scientific Director of the Floating Renewables Lab at Delft University of Technology. Her expertise lies in fluid-structure interactions, multi-fluids problems, aeroelasticity, and turbulent flows and she is involved in projects on large wind turbine rotors and airborne wind energy.
Fakhereh (Sarah) Alidoost
NLeSC | WP2 – Research and Modelling

Sarah is a researcher/analyst in Geomatics and Remote Sensing at the EScience Centre. Her research interest is the use of earth observation data and geostatistics to describe the interaction between weather, land and water.

Verena Schaap MARIN | WP3 – Innovations

Verena is product manager of MARIN's Time Domain Simulation Software aNySIM-XMF. In this role she is coordinating the software developments, as well as the user group formed by industrial partners. She is also active in the real time simulator and Human-In-the-Loop applications and coordinates MARIN's upcoming PPS TKI Digital Twin development.

Jeroen Scheppers
TU/e | WP4 – Impact enhancing research

Jeroen is Associate Professor of Frontline Service and Innovation at the Innovation, Technology Entrepreneurship & Marketing (ITEM) group at Eindhoven University of Technology. His research interest is centred on optimizing service performance and customer experience by means of frontline service employees and technology.
Tinka Murk
WUR | WP5 – Knowledge Utilisation

Tinka is Professor/Chairholder for the group Marine Animal Ecology at WUR. Her interest lies in how marine organisms can or cannot adapt to changes in their environment, and what the consequences are for the species interactions within the community they live in.
Oana Trifan
TUD | WP6 – Project Management

Oana is a Project Coordinator at the Innovation and Impact Centre (TUD) assisting and supporting the Project Management Team for an effective implementation of the work plan. Her primary responsibility is to support the non-technical management and ensure a timely reporting to the funding authority. This involves establishing collaboration among all partners, and keeping all partners, co-funders and cooperation partners actively involved in the project.