
About Hybridlabs

The urgency to transform the energy system in the Netherlands and in Europe is clear, both for tackling the
climate crisis and for gaining energy independence from foreign oil and gas. But the targets set to achieve the
energy transition are huge. For example, the worldwide installed capacity of offshore wind energy needs to reach 359GW by 2030 and 1,833GW by 2050 (DNV, 2022), which represents a 30-fold increase compared to the current situation.
Specifically for the Netherlands, there is goal set of deploying 150GW of offshore wind power in the North Sea alone, with 70GW targeted for the Dutch part (Klimaatakkoord, 2019). As a comparison, the current installed capacity of offshore wind in the Dutch North Sea is about 3GW.

Achieving these targets – in these timeframes – will only be possible if radical innovations are made in the way we develop and deploy offshore renewables. HybridLabs focuses on accelerating the energy transition. Yet, at the same time, the government is focusing on a good balance between the energy transition and two other major transitions in the North Sea: sustainable marine food production, and a restored and robust ecosystem (North Sea Programme 2022-2027).
To this end, the project will encompass three work streams, all aimed at increasing value for society.


to build a network of hybrid testing facilities and simulators, assimilating offshore data, to
provide a better understanding of offshore renewables and their surrounding ecosystem.


to develop new sensing, control and design strategies for floating installation techniques and
nature- and food- strengthening offshore renewables.


to ensure readiness of the supply chain and lift potential barriers for implementation,
whether legal, ecological, logistical, or societal.